Tá deiseanna againn d'iarrthóirí atá comhbhách agus séimh le bheith ag obair mar cuntóir súgratha i gcúram lae áitiúla.
Má tá cumais labartha maith agat i nGaeilge agus suim i bpost mar seo, labhair linn.
Tá deiseanna forbairt gairme leis na poist seo.
Déan teaghmháil linn fríd an nasc, nó cuir scairt nó Whatsapp chugainn le comhrá neamh-fhoirmiúil a bheith againn faoi na deiseanna seo.
We have opportunities for caring and gentle candidates to work as play assistants in local daycares.
If you have good spoken Irish skills and are interested in such a position, please talk to us.
These positions offer career development opportunities.
Contact us through the link, or give us a call or send a WhatsApp message to have an informal chat about these opportunities.